Friday, June 3, 2011

"Summery" Weekend

Hanging with Chelsey Tonight

Lumby Skatepark with Phoebe :)
My plans for this weekend are to go to a friends house in Vernon tonight. Then Saturday I am going to My dads house and hanging out with another friend. We are going to go to the skatepark with some other friends.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My Spring Break :)

The highlights of my spring break would have to be when I found out that my friend with cancer had gone down to Vancouver to get a scan and his results were the fact that there is no trace of cancer left, :) Another highlight would have to be when i went down to Barriere to Hang out with my friend Darby, We went in her hottub at her aunties, and had a blast. The last highlight would be having the sun shine almost everyday, I went to Vernon to hang out with all my friends from my old school, and almost everyday we walked to kal lake. This would have to be my best spring break i have ever had. Specially finding out the information about my friend.
Jesse Randlesome (My friend with cancer, but is now cancer free :)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Blending images

My plans for spring break are To hang out with My friends from vernon for at least a week then come back to Winfield and Hang out with friends here. And one weekend I am going to Barriere to See my Grandparents and gunna hang out with my friend Darby, that i have known since about Kindergarten.

Monday, March 14, 2011

My Weekend

My weekend was amazing! On friday i had three friends come over after school and i celebrated my birthday with them, we went to the h2o. afterwards we saw a guy that was wearing a dress. His friends made him since it was his bachlor party. On saturday I got my nose pierced, andI had another party With friends from my old school. and we just hung out at my house. On sunday it was my real birthday and my dad and my brother Nick and I went to montannas for a lunch.